March 17, 2009
Midtown Manhattan

While millions congregated to drunkenly parade down 5th avenue, high above them a couple celebrated in their own way...

Onlookers gawked

Ladies tittered.

Did I mention they were wasted?

Far from being bashful, the couple was quite proud of their performance.

After the action, I caught up with them in the street

and lost them as they entered a bar...
the story doesn't end there...

I then made posters of our dear couple and shared them with all of NYC...

That is, until a cop thought that I was illegally posting and cuffed me and through me in the back of his car!
His quote, "There are kids in this neighborhood! You should be ashamed! That's not art!"
Some of my favorite critques have come from the NYPD.
Thanks you guys!

The public had their say as well. Rather pretty, no?

My favorite

A judge ended up throwing it out of court with a laugh and screaming, "Next!"
Funny that while the cop claimed it wasn't art, it did happen to be showing at Christie's.
Take that art market!
A special thank you to
Luis Illades for bailing me out
and to Bob Warner, my accomplice and bunkmate in the big house.