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Solo show at
Yalo Studio
Water Valley, Mississippi
August 3rd - September 8th, 2012

Made possible by the generous support of the Lapides Foundation
at the Loblolly Pine Residency program.

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Everyday Award: Snooky and Mary Lou Williams
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

In the world today there is an obsession with the spectacle, with the amazing, with the astounding, with the world record, with the championship, with the best and with the most. The drive to maximize profits and create the newest experience is paramount in modern culture regardless of country or continent.

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Everyday Award: Ora G. Phillips
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

Using this hyper-steroid approach to living as a reverse springboard to investigate the antithesis of this mode of living, 'Everyday Awards' creates an environment in which regular residents of northern Mississippi see their everyday actions and thoughts memorialized like the heroes and heroines of sports, politics, literature and history.

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Everyday Award: Jack Cristil
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

‘Everyday Awards’ began by interviewing residents of small towns in Yalobusha County, Mississippi. I chose 15 people with the help of local community members. Awardees could not volunteer, they had to be recommended by others. I then approached these people and (if they were willing, not all were) set up a time to interview them. During the interview we decided on memorable moments in their life, intervals that they felt were personally significant, things that had been ignored so far in their lives. I then created plaques commemorating these moments and mounted them at Yalo Studio in Water Valley, along with a 1 hour documentary film of their interviews. This honoring of everyday actions is both a step away from the false plastic sensibility that media and advertising sells us and a step towards knowing our neighbors in a new light.

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Everyday Award: Sarah Williams
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

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Everyday Award: Terry Rockette
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

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Everyday Award: Ramona Bernard
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

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Everyday Award: BB Billingsley Jr.
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

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Everyday Award: Rayford Edgar
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

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Everyday Award: Mickey Howley
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

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Everyday Award: Coulter Fussell
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

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Everyday Award: Dixie Grimes
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

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Everyday Award: Michael Schroeder
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

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Everyday Award: Daryl Burney
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

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Everyday Award: Dereck Redwine
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

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Everyday Award: Binford "Binnie" Turnage
9 inches x 12 inches (30.5cm x 22.7cm)
metal plaque on wood

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